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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Royal Bhutan Police Cadet Officer Selection Interview (Part III)

Important Notice for Candidates: Cadet Officer Selection Interview

All candidates are hereby requested to report to the RBP NCO mess promptly at 1415 hours on 05/05/2022 for the first part of the interview. It is imperative that candidates attend without fail.

Upon arrival, candidates must identify themselves as interviewees for the Cadet Officer selection at the entrance gates to the RBP HQs to be directed to the venue. Failure to report on time will result in disqualification from the Selection Interview.

Male Candidates:

  1. Kelzang Dawa - 11510000497
  2. Kuenga Lhendup - 10305001501
  3. Kinzang Namgay - 11605000199
  4. Singye Wangchuk - 11503000521
  5. Rigzen Chophel - 11503003126
  6. Lhaba Dorji - 10802000844
  7. Chador Phuntsho - 11607001856
  8. Sangay Tenzin - 10103000716
  9. Sangay Tshering - 11101003854
  10. Pema Tshewang - 10101003332
  11. Pema Tshering - 11511001049
  12. Rinchen Norbu - 11513000468
  13. Chedup Jamtsho - 10309001084
  14. Phuntsho Dorji - 11208000439
  15. Chimi Dorji - 11503001546
  16. Tenzin Namgay - 10501000331
  17. Tshering Dorji - 11701003150
  18. Ugyen Tshering - 10101005510
  19. Cheng Tshering Lepcha - 11204002799
  20. Tshering Dorji - 10803000841
  21. Sonam Rinchen - 12008001386

  22. Nima Gyeltshen - 10204001058
  23. Dorji Lhendup - 11106004662
  24. Kinley Dorji - 11401001367
  25. Tshering Rabten - 10203000390
  26. Samten Wangchuk - 10902000759
  27. Pema Tashi - 10102001855
  28. Karma Dorji - 11509002871
  29. Damchoe Yonten - 11606003128

Female Candidates:

  1. Dechen Tshomo - 11701000881
  2. Tashi Chezom - 11503003477
  3. Tenzin Yangkey - 11606000254
  4. Sonam Choden - 12008000833
  5. Tenzin Namgyel Wangmo - 10806000965
  6. Deki Tshomo - 11510002290
  7. Peldon - 10504001704
  8. Sonam Paldon - 10906001468
  9. Pema Yeewong - 10101000160
  10. Passang Gyem - 11904000284
  11. Chador Wangmo - 12004000387


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