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Monday, April 22, 2024

Caretaker vacancy at Zhemgang Dzongkhag


Vacancy Title: CARETAKER

Working Agency: Zhemgang Dzongkhag
Department/Division/Section: Nganglha
Position Title: Care Taker (Risup/Misup/Chunyer/Night Guard/Guest House/Nursery)

Min Qualification: NA
Preferred Field/Subject: NA

Placement Details/Remarks:
Gewog Administration, Ngangla

Contract Start From:
Contract End On: 14-May-2027
Appointment Date: 15-May-2024
Employment Type: Contract
Category: ESP GSP
Pay Scale: Nu. 9,450 - 190 - 12,300
Slots: 1

Location: Zhemgang

Document Required:

  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • No Objection Certificate

Application Deadline:

  • Application Start From: 22-Apr-2024
  • Application Closed On: 02-May-2024
  • Applicant(s): 19

Contact Information:

Shortlisting Criteria:

  • Literate: 50%
  • Field Experience: 50%

Taking care of gewog administration and safeguarding the gewog premises.

Hardworking and committed to work as per supervisor's command.

About Zhemgang Dzongkhag:
Zhemgang Dzongkhag lies in the South-central region of the country, sharing its borders with Bumthang to the north, Trongsa and Sarpang to the west, Mongar and Pemagatshel to the east, and the Indian State of Assam in the South. The Dzongkhag is a part of the wildlife corridor, constituting the famous Royal Manas National Park, the Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, and Phrumshingla National Park

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