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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Country Coordinating Mechanism Vacancy 2022 (

 Bhutan Country Coordinating Mechanism Vacancy and Career opportunities 2022 ( Vacancy 2022). Recently the Country Coordinating Mechanism (Bhutan CCM) has published vacancy announcement of the immediate requirement for the various position. Vacancy 2022

Bhutan Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) is comprised of members representing government, private, civil society, people living with diseases, faith based organizations, and multilateral and bilateral partners. A CCM is responsible for submitting proposals for GFATM financing, nominating the PRs and overseeing grant implementation. The CCM was reorganised and more formally established in March 2011 in keeping with GFATM guidelines and has 20 members, a majority of whom represent civil society organizations. As a prerequisite to accessing funds from the GFATM, every country is obliged to organize itself through the establishment of a CCM. An independent CCM Secretariat under the supervision of the CCM Chairperson handles the day-to-day functions of the CCM.

Vacancy and Career opportunities in October 2022

The Country Coordinating Mechanism is pleased to announce the following vacancies in.

  • Organization: Bhutan CCM
  • Position Title: Oversight Officer
  • Vacancy Publish date: 20 October 2022
  • Last date to apply: 28 October 2022
  • Total Number of vacant post: 01
  • Place of Posting: Bhutan CCM Secretariat, Ministry of Health building, Kawajangsa, Thimphu
  • Position Level: P5A
  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in social science, public health, population studies, and related education qualification, with preferably 1-2 years of working experience in the governmental/Non-governmental/International organizations.
  • Basic Pay Scale: Nu. 20645 – 415 – 26870
  • Contract duration: November 2022-June 2023
  • Contract Type: Regular Contract
  • Download Details
  • Download ToR

How to Apply

Required Documents:

  1. Application Cover Letter
  2. Certificates and Mark Sheets copies of Class X, XII, Bachelor’s Degree (Master’s Degree if available)
  3. Resume/CV
  4. Copy of Medical Certificate
  5. Copy of CID card
  6. Copy of valid security clearance
  7. Work Experience certificate
  8. Any certificates of credits and achievements
  9. No Objection Certificate from the employer, if employed.

For detailed Terms of Reference (ToR), please visit MoH website ( and the eligible candidates are requested to kindly submit the application cover letter with relevant documents mentioned in the ToR to the CCM Coordinator, CCM Secretariat MoH on or before October 28, 2022, 12:00 noon.

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